Saturday, March 24, 2012

Ode to Trayvon Martin

Ode to Trayvon Martin

Do Stand Your Ground you wise King of the Lord,

In Grace you're David who did slay the beast.

That character you showed, most can't afford,

Your giant shoulders he could not police.

Do Stand Your Ground you wise King of the Lord,

In Grace you're Sampson who was betrayed.

Trusting the fury of those who were scorned,

A final act of triumph as you prayed.

Do Stand Your Ground you wise King of the Lord,

In Grace you're Joshua with Jericho,

Destroyed trusting the power of God's sword.

Through your sacrifice our world will grow.

Do Stand Your Ground you wise King of the Lord,

All of your people watched as your spirit soared.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Jobs, Income, Housing!!!

Poor Peoples Campaign 2012

If a father is broke, and his wife and babies must be fed immediately 'we the people' are obligated to making sure there is relief 'immediately.' If a single mother loses her income, and can no longer cover the rent then 'we the people' must cover her bills until she is once again safe. When America (our nation) decided to take on the 'burden' of Capitalism then we also decided to take on the burden of the poor (they go hand-in-hand). If our government fails to keep the promise that it made to all of its people then it's people must act! How that 'action' manifests is up to THE PEOPLE!!!