Monday, May 4, 2009


One of the most dangerous images on the Plantation in America was the HANGMAN'S NOOSE; far more terrifying then that of the BULLWHIP. When a slave master prepared a noose, it almost surely indicated that a killing was near, which sent the slaves running for dear life. Though slavery has been abandoned in America since the Civil War I wonder if there was any lingering insecurity within the black community that has African-American men AFRAID of conservative society? This brings me to the question: Is there a link between black men not wanting to wear necktie's and the legacy of the Hangman's noose?
One of the most important people to study when trying to determine the long life of disenfranchisement of the former slave in America is Willie Lynch. A British slave owner in the West Indies, Lynch delivered a powerful speech to Southern Plantation masters along the bank of the James River in the Virginia colony in 1712. Terrified over the nearly 500 violent slave revolts and seeking a proven way to 'break' the black slave, Lynch said:
I have a fool-proof method for controlling your black slaves. I guarantee everyone of you that if installed correctly it will control the slaves for at least 300 years. My method is simple, any member of your family or any overseer can use it. Take the meanest and most restless nigger, strip him of his clothes in front of the remaining male niggers, the female, and the nigger infant, tar and feather him, tie each leg to a different horse faced in opposite directions, set him a fire and beat both horses to pull him apart in front of the remaining niggers. The next step is to take a bull whip and beat the remaining nigger male to the point of death, in front of the female and the infant. Don't kill him, but put the fear of God in him, for he can be useful for future breeding.
After Willie Lynch's speech there was a wave of brutal killings of black male slaves, and the subsequent beatings of surviving slave men created an internal fear among black men that many argue lasts in today's society. Is it possible, based on these factual situations that a logical argument can be made concerning why so many black men in America have little to no desire to work, and many never wear a tie? What do you think?
Written by Bee Quiet


  1. You have definately delved into the realm of psychology here, perhaps into something even into genetic memory. Unfortunately I do not think there is enough evidence to support either though. I found this theory interesting enough to begin asking those in my neighborhood about it. My neighborhood is predominantly black, multifamily unit homes with a high unemployment for us all right now. I received overwhelming laughter from them.
    I found that most seem to believe it is more a product of culture. Chasing the gold at the end of the rainbow has become more about looking for the easiest path there. One individual even stated that black culture that targets the young seems to give an idea that you can get rich by not attending school and making your own way on the streets. I don't know how much weight I put behind his theory, but I found it interesting none-the-less.
    I honestly believe that the "noose" represents different things to different people. Even different cultures look at it differently. My neighborhood saw it as a sign of oppression. Yet when I asked some of my college friends that are all minorities, they all mentioned the old west.
    I believe that the "tie" is not a reminder of the noose, but is more a symbol of a structured life that threatens the mentality of all impoverished youth of any race. It symbolizes "the man" who has the easy life. Being of impoverished history myself I can tell you I cringe when I put on a tie. I feel like I have become "one of them." One thing to remember about those that are impoverished, they have a high level of pride. To break them is nearly impossible. But to put a tie and suit on them might be like stripping them of their identity, thus making them feel naked.

  2. To your comment that "so many black men in America have little to no desire to work." Does anyone really want to work? Maybe (due to generational poverty) we are just more comfortable living with less, and climbing a corporate ladder does not give us the same type of externally validating satisfaction as it might for white Americans. I got a job as soon as I turned 16 and have been working steadily since. I even went to college, graduated, and started a continued with a career; but I recently quit that job and have been unemployed for almost two months now. I've realized that unemployment isn't something to be ashamed of... Unemployment is freedom. I will work again soon, but not because I want to work, I just want an income. I miss good food and entertainment. Although I don't feel the need for the entertainment half as much as when I was spending 40+ hours a week at work.
    When did a life of leisure become the behavior of the lazy? Now if you're not working at least one job and multitasking and producing producing producing, then you're seen as a lazy bum. Maybe if people didn't work as much we wouldn't be so stressed and ppl wouldn't be going postal. More time with family-kids are less crazy-people have time for self improvement-people volunteer more for causes that actually matter-less stress-people are healthier. Work sucks, and if you are one of those people who say: "I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I didn't work, I'd go crazy." Then I feel bad for your weak minded self.
